Airport Security
Airport security is governed by the Aviation Transport Security Act 2004 and Australian Transport Security Regulations 2005 who establish a regulatory framework that safe guards Australis's essential aviation services against unlwaful interferance, whilst maintaining and improving aviation security. There are strict controls and procedures that must be followed within the airside area (comprising the aprons, runways and all other areas inside the security fence). Please note that Jandakot Airport is not a Regular Public Transport (RPT) aerodrome.
All airport users must comply with any directions JAH impose in relation to security at the airport.
Vehicles, equipment, goods and structures are prohibited within two (2) metres inside, and three (3) meters outside, of the airside boundary fence. This is to ensure that airside security is not compromised by people using these objects to climb over the fence.
A person may only enter the airside area if they have a valid operational reason for doing so.
Airside Access Gates
Entry to the airside through the pedestrian and vehicle access gates is controlled separately through the issue of proximity (swipe) cards. Proximity cards for airside gate access are available from Jandakot Airport Holdings on approval of a completed Airside Proximity Card application form. For security purposes, each applicant is required to provide a photocopy of their current Driver’s Licence.
The Airports (Control of On-Airport Activities) Regulations 1997 state that every vehicle taken airside must hold and display a valid Authority for Use Airside (AUA) vehicle permit and every driver that operates a vehicle airside must hold a valid Authority to Drive Airside (ADA) licence. Persons requiring access through vehicle gates will need to review the Airside Driving & Vehicles webpage.
- FO201 Airside Access Proximity Card Application [PDF 103KB]
- Airside access gates left open.
- Airside drivers not holding valid permits or licenses.
- Persons airside without minimum standard PPE.
- Pedestrians occupying taxi lanes for non-aviation activites which affect aviation movement without Works Safety Officers present.
Hangar & Gate Security
Pedestrian Access
Airside Works
All JAH airside tenants are required to notify JAH of any airside works. JAH are required to assess works for aviation safety risks and determine if a Works Safety Officer is required to supervise the works and/or set up exclusion zones etc. If you are looking to perform any airside works, please complete the Airside Works Safety Application Form
For more details please refer to Safety Alert 2020-04.
ASIC Cards
PLEASE NOTE: Jandakot Airport is not ASIC controlled and does not issue ASIC cards. In the event you wish to obtain an ASIC, please refer to the Department of Home Affairs "Approved ASIC Issuing Organisations" site here or visit