The Jandakot Airport Community Aviation Consultation Group (CACG) is an independent committee established to provide a forum for appropriate community engagement on airport planning and operations. The Jandakot Airport CACG comprises representatives from Federal, State and Local Governments, Airservices Australia, Jandakot Airport Holdings, aircraft operators, and local community organisations.
The role and purpose of the CACG is to:
  1. enable residents affected by airport operations, Jandakot Airport Holdings and aviation operators at the airport, local authorities, airport users, and other interested parties, to exchange information on issues relating to the operation of Jandakot Airport and its impacts;
  2. allow concerns about airport operations and development to be articulated and taken into account by Jandakot Airport Holdings with a genuine desire to resolve issues that may emerge; and
  3. complement the consultative requirements established for Master Plans and Major Development Plans.
The Jandakot Airport CACG can be contacted by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

CACG Guidelines & Terms of Reference

Minutes of Meetings

Minutes of the quarterly CACG meetings are available below.