Environment Policy

Jandakot Airport Holdings Pty Ltd (JAH) recognises and accepts its responsibility to maintain and protect the quality of the environment in and around its operations. In achieving this, JAH commits to establishing and maintaining a system that strives to:

  1. develop and manage Jandakot Airport in an environmentally sound manner;
  2. comply with environmental legislation and regulations;
  3. work with relevant authorities and the community to identify specific objectives and targets to minimise adverse environmental impacts;
  4. pursue opportunities to promote efficient use of resources and increase recycling;
  5. continually measure, monitor, report and improve upon the environmental performance defined by our objectives and targets; and
  6. promote JAH’s commitment to the environment, employees, tenants, customers and neighbours.

Jandakot Airport employees, contractors and tenants all have a duty to fulfil environmental responsibilities.

Environment Strategy

Under the terms of the lease agreement with the Commonwealth Government of Australia, Jandakot Airport Holdings Pty Ltd is required to prepare a Master Plan every eight (8) years for review and approval by the Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development. The Master Plan includes the policy framework that guides the management of environmental impacts due to operations at Jandakot Airport for the next eight years.